rss wirechan gallery

øffêrêd møthêr (night)


mama a girl behind ÿou

i wanna die

u sure ãbout thãt?

the internet isnt fun anymore

they've been shãdow bãnning fun for some reãson lãtely

i like turtles. especially when they're ninjas.

same but ït depends upon the age

housian regards

n1ce gay dat1ng s1te.

hello everyone


y'áll áre rlly stüpid, I jüst wánt to be á cyber boy


Unlêss somêonê likê yoù carês a wholê awfùl lot, Nothing is going to gêt bêttêr. It's not.

welcome to the year of the Linux desktop

english or spanish

I always watching you